Throwback to 2017. Is print dead? 

Every now and again I would look at old photos on my phone, reminiscing about the good times I've had with the people around me. This made me miss looking at physical printed photo books that we often had when I was a child- it's a different feeling looking at photos on a phone compared to a physical book. There's something satisfying about turning pages in books and not knowing what's on the other side. This thought lead me to making a book containing a selection of unedited photos from my 2017.
I didn't realise how many photos I take during a year and was surprised that I literally have thousands of photos from 2017! Going through them all was a long process, in the end I chose photos that meant something to me and/or spark happy memories. The third photo is one of my favourite photos I’ve taken from 2017, credits to the model @inspireling. 

I decided to traditionally perfect bind this photo book as this is more of a personal project and this method is durable so hopefully it'll last a long time!

Something that made me really happy to hear during the process of making, was the two people who told me my little book had inspired them to create something similar, either for themselves or someone close to them.

This throwback to print was a reminder that despite progressing technology, not everything has to be interacted with via screen and actually there's real value in the tactile.
Is print dead?

Is print dead?
